Friends with An Alien, written by Bemrose Primary & Simon Marhsall, Performed & Illustrated by Becket Primary

The Mafia Strikes Again written by Becket Primary & Simon Marshall, Performed & Illustrated by Firs Estate Primary

Welcome to the Dream Land, Written By Firs Primary & Simon Marshall, Performed and Illustrated by Bemrose Primary.

Reimagine 2021 - Abbey Film Project.

A huge thank you to Paula Martin, Kate Beecroft and Sue James. Catherine and her catering team. Abbie Canning for being the most outstanding creative enabler. Thank you to Helen Jackson, Simon Marshall, Omar Khan, Derby Theatre FoH team. Dean Johnson & Bramblebrook Community Centre & Team. Thanks to all the families who attended our film premier event and for your continuous support.

 A huge congratulations to all the young people who made this project possible. 

The Mafia Strikes Again written by Becket Primary, Performed & Illustrated by Firs Estate Primary

Friends with An Alien, written by Bemrose Primary, Performed & Illustrated by Becket Primary 

Welcome to the Dream Land, Written By Firs Primary, Performed 7 Illustrated by Bemrose Primary. 

Co-Created with: 

Writer – Simon Marshall. 

Illustration, Animation and Design by Helen Jackson, Abbie Canning and Darius Powell.

Audio Play Directed and Produced by Tom Craig

Documentary by Omar Khan

Executive Producer: Tom Craig

The Reimagine project, led by Derby Theatre and Derby's Cultural Education Partnership, provides a wealth of exciting arts and sports related opportunities for young people and local schools in and around the city.

The project has been made possible through £1.1 million of investment from Arts Council England through the Young People’s Performance Fund, with additional support from Derby’s Opportunity Area, Derby County in the Community Trust and Derby City Council.

For more information, please contact Charlotte Hodkinson (Reimagine Producer)



Odyssey - Live Performed Virtual Reality Audio Play


Drama in Lockdown (FIrs Primary)